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BearfootFX Emerald Green Overdrive Pedal
BearfootFX Emerald Green OD

14 Tage Rückgaberecht

Europaweite Lieferung

Sicherer Versand mit DHL

239,00 €
Knapper Lagerbestand
Lieferdatum: 20.09.2024 - 22.09.2024 (DE - Ausland abweichend)
Nur noch 2 verfügbar
BearfootFX Emerald Green Overdrive Pedal

From Bearfoot FX:
This is both a Voxish emulator for a variety of other amps and also a booster driver for Vox amps. The Distortion and Voice controls are interactive and together will follow the progression of turning up a Vox-type amp through full low cleans up through edgy, driven and full out screamin' sounds with plenty of gain for the whole range of jobs. And while it can be a flamethrower, it is also dynamically driven by the Volume knob level or even just pick pressure. Once you adjust, it becomes part of your expressive pathway.

  • Versandgewicht: 0,30 kg
  • Artikelgewicht: 0,30 kg
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