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G LAB DVO Dual Vintage Overdrive

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109,00 €
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Lieferdatum: 19.03.2025 - 21.03.2025 (DE - Ausland abweichend)
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G LAB DVO Dual Vintage Overdrive


G LAB DVO Dual Vintage Overdrive 

Der G LAB Dual Vintage Overdrive (DVO) ist ein Overdrive-Bodeneffekt mit zwei Kanälen (jeweils separate Einstellungen für Gain, Typ und Lautstärke) sowie Boost-Funktion für SOLO und CLEAN. Der DVO kann als zwischen Gitarre undVerstärker angeschlossen werden oder als Pre-Amp zwischen Gitarre und Endstufe dienen.


  • Paralleler Betrieb von DVO (CH 1, CH 2) und Verstärker-Vorstufe möglich
  • Unabhängiger Ausgang für ein Stimmgerät (TUNER) mit MUTEFunktion
  • FOOT PEDAL-Eingang für die Steuerung durch einen externen Controller, z.B. den G LAB GSC oder einen Fußschalter
  • beleuchtete Fußtaster
  • Clean-Lautstärke regelbar (CLEAN)
  • PRE OUT-Ausgang mit dem direkten Gitarrensignal
  • Zwei Overdrive-Kanäle (CH1, CH2) mit Steuerung des Eingangspegels (GAIN), wählbarem Boost-Pegel und -Klang (BOOST A, BOOST B), Lautstärkeregelung (VOLUME), dadurch Sounds von Clean über Crunch bis zur vollenÜbersteuerung möglich
  • Spannungsversorgung durch externes Netzteil (9V DC)
  • Schalter für TREBLE- und BASS-Boost nach dem Overdrive
  • Vier unterschiedliche Modi für die Fußtaster (über DIP-Schalter einstellbar)
  • Passiver Equalizer: TREBLE, MIDDLE und BASS mit typischen Röhren-Charakteristika
  • Nachbildung eines klassischen Röhren-Pre-Amps durch selektierte FET-Transistoren
  • SOLO-Funktion mit wählbarem +3 dB/+5 dB-BOOST

The Dual Vintage Overdrive is a full analog foot preamp suitable for every guitar player. As well beginners as advanced players or even professional musicians are searching for the New, the Best and the Unique tones of their guitars. Everybody will find not just one tone but tones of new tones – very special for themselves. More, the guitar player will be able to easily and quickly switch between 3 tone-presets: on 2 channels with individually adjusted overdrive and choose one mode from: SOLO, CLEAN or BYPASS.

It is recommended to connect DVO to power amplifier ( if the amp has effect loop then connect to RETURN connector). In this case the tone will depend on the amps PRESENCE control.
DVO preamp sounds very good with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers.

Basic characteristics:

  • classical guitar tube pre-amp emulated by selected FET transistors
  • 3 point timbre control identical with tube amp characteristics: TREBLE, MIDDLE, BASS
  • two overdriven channels (CHANNEL 1, CHANNEL 2) with gain control (GAIN), BOOST switches and volume control (VOLUME); enabling to perform CLEAN, CRUNCH or FULL OVERDRIVEN sounds
  • SOLO function with +3 dB or +5 dB boost
  • four working modes of footswitches (set by DIP switches):
    1. CHANNEL 1,CHANNEL 2,SOLO (CHANNEL 2 +3 dB or +5 dB boost)
    2. CHANNEL 1,CHANNEL 2,SOLO (currently active +3 dB or +5 dB boost)
    Below are presented operations of particular modes of working (please magnify).

    Mode of working No. 1
    Mode of working No. 1, magnify
    Mode of working No. 2
    Mode of working No. 2, magnify
    Mode of working No. 3
    Mode of working No. 3, magnify
    Mode of working No. 4
    Mode of working No. 4, magnify
  • clean channel with volume control (CLEAN)
  • independent guitar TUNER output with the silent tuning function
  • PRE OUT output with buffered direct signal from a guitar
  • FOOT PEDAL input for controlling by the GSC controller or by a footswitch
  • two modes of working with an amp by using "DVO switching cable":
    - using pre-amp’s settings
    - skipping pre-amp and providing signal (from CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 2 of DVO) directly to the amp
  • TREBLE and BASS boost switches
  • backlighted footswitches
  • FOOT PEDAL functions:
      at modes 1 and 2A footswitch: CHANNEL 1/ CHANNEL 2
    B footswitch: SOLO ON/OFF
      at modes 3 and 4A footswitch: CLEAN/CHANNEL 1 or CHANNEL 2
    B footswitch: CHANNEL 1/ CHANNEL 2
  • powder coated casing
  • power supply 9V DC 80 mA (with opposite polarization protection), the GSC can be used for power supply


Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
, , 
Verantwortliche Person:
Jörg Böckel
Anger 18
Rosenthal, Deutschland, 07366
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