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Ibanez TS940th Anniversary Edition Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS9 40th Anniversary Edition Tube Screamer

14 Tage Rückgaberecht

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199,00 €
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Lieferdatum: 27.02.2025 - 01.03.2025 (DE - Ausland abweichend)

Mit dem Ibanez TS940TH feiert der japanische Gitarrenbauer seinen mittlerweile vier Jahrzehnte alten Kult-Klassiker unter den Overdrives, welcher von kaum einem Pedalboard mehr wegzudenken ist. Die in Japan gefertigte Jubiläumsedition des TS9 bietet die gewohnten Klangeigenschaften des ikonischen Drive-Pedals mit präsentem Mittenspektrum und seinen bekannt weitreichenden Lautstärke-Reserven, die von satten Cleans bis hin zum High Gain Sound des Modern Metal für jeden Spaß zu haben sind. Zum 40. Geburtstag verfügt die Sonderedition über ein markant rotes Metall-Chassis statt dem üblichen froschgrünen Gehäuse-Design.

Der Ibanez TS940TH 40th Anniversary im Überblick:

  • Analoges Overdrive Effektpedal, Made in Japan
  • Jubiläumsedition zum 40. Geburtstag des Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
  • Regler für Drive, Tone und Level
  • Buffered Bypass
  • Betrieb per Batterie oder optional erhältlichem 9V-Netzteil (Stromverbrauch 8mA)

Legendary tone since '82. The Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer has earned its place in pedal history thanks to delivering incredible overdrive from its release and never really having to change - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The iconic design and easy-to-use functionality stand it apart in the world of overdrives as a superb all-rounder. The modern, brighter version of the TS808 has a slightly rougher edge making it better suited to slightly heavier styles, and the TS808 for cleaner applications. The TS9 can still do the classic warm, well-rounded sound that Tube Screamers are known for, but it's also capable of taking things up a notch and going slightly higher in gain than its older counterpart. One thing's for sure though, you can't go wrong with a Tube Screamer.

Secrets of the Tube Screamer

The Tube Screamer's clever design is the reason it's still the industry-standard overdrive pedal. There are a few unique features that give the TS9 its unique sound signature. One of these is that the active high pass filter in the clipping stage rolls off the bass so that only frequencies above 720Hz get the full distortion and harmonics below get progressively less, making the distortion frequency selective.

After the clipping stage, a passive low pass filter shaves off excess treble, giving the characteristic mid boost that Tube Screamers are known for. The clipped output signal then also contains part of the input signal, perfectly preserving the original dynamics of the instrument while also improving the responsiveness and overall clarity of the distortion.

This is all made possible by the input buffer isolating the effect from the guitar, retaining optimum signal fidelity, one of the main reasons the TS9 can offer mid-heavy overdrive without the effect becoming muddy. This is what makes a Tube Screamer a Tube Screamer - optimum signal filtering and frequency selective distortion.


  • Product Code: TS940TH
  • Colour: Ruby Red
  • Input Impedance: 500K ohms
  • Output Impedance: 10K ohms
  • Maximum Output Level: 0 dBm
  • Maximum Gain: + 30 dB
  • Equivalent Input Noise: -100 dBm
  • Power Supply: One 9 Volt Battery or External AC Adapter (9V)
  • Dimensions: 124mm (D) x 74mm (W) x 53mm (H)
  • Weight: 570g
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Hoshino Gakki Japan
Aichi, Japan, 461-0014
Verantwortliche Person:
Roland Meinl Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co. KG
Musik-Meinl-Str. 1
Gutenstetten, Deutschland, 91468
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