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Movall Audio Ice Yeti British Top Boost Retro Drive
Movall Audio MM-08 Ice Yeti British Top Boost Retro Drive

14 Tage Rückgaberecht

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59,00 €
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Lieferdatum: 12.09.2024 - 14.09.2024 (DE - Ausland abweichend)

 IceYetti is a classic British retro distortion pedal.It concentrates on AC30’s topboost distortion.Either in blues or hard rock music,it performs extremely well and gives you versatile possibility.


     True Bypass

     All Zinc outer casing

        Adjustable Level, Tone and Fury adjustments.

     Input Impedance: 500k

     Output Impedance: 10k

     Current: 20mA

     LED illuminated Dial – Indicates When The Pedal Is On

     Measures 93mm x 38mm x 32mm

     9V DC Adapter Only

Excellent build quality and tonal response!!

This is the new MM-08 ICE YETI from Movall Audio in their Mini Titan series.

VOX AC inspired Distortion that packs a direct punch with those special VOX tonal qualities.  

 Movall is coming on strong with some great sounding units ! 

Features Level, Tone and "FURY = Gain" adjustments. 


  • True Bypass construction.
  • Adjustable Level, Tone and Fury adjustments.
  • Input Impedance: 500k
  • Output Impedance: 8k
  • Current: 8mA
  • LED illuminated Dial – Indicates When The Pedal Is On
  • Measures  1 1/2 " W x 3 3/4" H x 1 1/4 " D
  • 9V AC Adaptor power Only (This pedal cannot be powered by battery)

Great way to add more tone in your arsenal without virtually any pedal board space required.

  • Artikelgewicht: 0,50 kg
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