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ZVEX Box of Rock Vexter
Guitar Effects Pedal - ZVEX BOX OF ROCK Vexter

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249,00 €
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Lieferdatum: 03.04.2025 - 05.04.2025 (DE - Ausland abweichend)
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Guitar Effects Pedal - ZVEX BOX OF ROCK Vexter


Die Box of Rock simuliert den klassischen 10-Uhr-Sound eines Marshall JTM45. Zusammen mit einem Marshall - AMP ein absolutes "MUST-HEAR"! 
Das Teil singt ohne Ende, warm, gefühlvoll, smooth, wie man es will, es ist wie ein klitzkleiner JTM45. Der Boost Kanal kann entweder alleine oder in Verbindung mit der "distortron engine" betrieben werden. Der Boost Kanal ist nach der "distortron engine" geschaltet um den Amp nochmal "anzublasen". Perfektes Zusammenspiel mit dem Volumen-Poti Deiner Axe! Absolut akurate Verarbeitung sind bei ZVEX selbstverständlich!

Check it out on YouTube!

The Box of Rock (TM) is Z.Vex Effect's first "distortion" pedal, highly specialized to simulate the "everything on 10" sound of a classic Marshall ® JTM45 non-master-volume amplifier. You may use the Box of Rock effectively with many different amplifiers, but to get the sound I heard when I designed it, try it through a Marshall at least once. You may use your guitar's volume control to adjust for the exact amount of distortion you need, all the way down to very clean and clear with most drive settings. You will notice the words "distortron engine" on the Vexter version of this pedal (no, that's not a misprint) on the pedal. This is what I named my distortion circuit... call me crazy. On the hand-painted version, the stomp switch on the right is labeled "ROCK" instead, because our paint brushes are too wide for so many small letters.

The Box of Rock also contains an extremely high-headroom, unity-to-50X gain booster with nominal input impedance and low hiss. It is very similar to the SHO boost circuit, with refinements to make it sound more like a standard amp input and less glassy. The boost channel can be used alone or in conjunction with the "distortron engine" channel. The boost channel follows the distortion channel so that the distortion is able to hit your amp harder (at a higher volume) when both switches are engaged, for boosting solos and what-not.

Operation: Plug your guitar (or any effect’s output) into the right hand input jack. Plug the output into an amp or other effect’s input. Rock out. Careful with the Boost setting when using a high-powered amp with lots of headroom... you may be shocked at how loud it can get!

The best way to complete this pedal is to run it through a Marshall amplifier on a warm clean setting (try strapping the channels, setting the volumes below 3, and setting all other controls to 6 as a start point), which has the proper voicing to reveal the "rock" in the Box of Rock.


Drive: Sets the amount of distortion. Start around 1:00 o'clock
Tone: Adjust for treble content. Start around 2:00 o'clock.

Vol: Adjust for distortron engine volume level. Start around 9:00 o'clock.

Boost: Sets the boost level, which is engaged with the left stomp switch. Start around 11:00 o'clock. The Drive and Boost controls are based on my original Super Hard-On gain control, so they may crackle when turned. This is perfectly normal.

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Zachary Vex Effects
PO Box 16078 
Minneaplos, Vereinigte Staaten, 55416
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